The Business Executive’s Guide to Working With a Ghostwriter

Share your knowledge, add a revenue stream, or simply live out a lifelong dream

John Feldman
8 min readMay 1, 2020
Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

The guide to ghostwriting, from concept to completion, will take you through what you need to know in order to get started on that book you’ve been wanting to write.

A lot of knowledge has been acquired throughout the career of a business executive or industry leader. Outsiders often wonder why it’s the seasoned professionals of an industry that make more money than the others and the answer is simple: you’re paid for your knowledge on the industry. You’re paid because you can save time and money for a company by simply advising on best practices.

That knowledge doesn’t need to be held within the confines of your business’s walls, or its written policies. If you know how to help make your industry-or the world!-a better place, you’d be leaving a major opportunity on the table by not sharing. No to mention the money and accolades that come with writing a bestseller.

But there’s a guide to ghostwriting-to the process as a whole. For many industry leaders, the idea of writing a book has come to mind. But there may simply not be an avenue to turn for information. No colleague who has already written one or a friend of the family who writes…



John Feldman

CEO at Visionary Literary. Penning articles about money, marketing, and writing.